ActiveCalculator’s API is now available for use. Integrate powerful calculation capabilities into your applications.

Base URL

ActiveCalculator’s API is built on REST principles and is served over HTTPS. To ensure data privacy, unencrypted HTTP is not supported.

The Base URL for all API endpoints is:



Authentication to ActiveCalculator’s API is performed via the x-ac-api-key header. To authenticate, you need to include this header with your API key in your requests like so:

x-ac-api-key: <Your-API-Key>

Learn more about how to get your API key.

Response Codes

The API returns standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Here are a few examples:

HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
200-The request was successful.
400bad_requestThe request was invalid or cannot be served.
401not_authenticatedThe request lacks valid authentication credentials.
401unauthorizedThe request is not authorized to access the resource.
404not_foundThe requested resource could not be found.
405method_not_allowedThe HTTP method is not supported for this endpoint.
500internal_server_errorThe server encountered an unexpected condition.